- Happy Holidays 1956 Variety Hour- HHS
Row 1 L.. Judy Coulter, David Moore, Diane Waddell (back stage) :R.Frank West,
Payson Hall, Stan Davis Jeannette Manola, Carol Ann Wood (Cast Party)
Row 2 L. Peggy Robertson R. Donace Peterson-Jeannette Manola (back stage )
Row 3 L. Ruth Morey "?" R. Stan Montgomery, Bill Moeller, Roger Jenkins
at mike.
Row 4.L. Bill Moeller R. Jamie DeBolt
Row 5 L. Patty Banks, Linnea Beffa, Kay Worrel , Claudia Sorenson R. double
exposed: Greg Barlow - Jamie DeBolt , Patty Banks, Judy Hunter , Payson Hall
Bottom set of four, top left pic - L to R Collen Soden - Patty Banks - Judy
Snowberger "57" - Pricilla carrier "57"
Top right pic - L to R Donace Peterson - Linnea Beffa "57" - Claudia
Sorenson "57"
botton left pic - L to R Judy Solschied '58" - twins ? don't remember their
names on either side of Sue Hodson "58" - Greg Barlow
bottom right pic L to R Betty Van Wegen - Laurel Roth - Bill Sohns (55 ?)